May 31, 2007
excuse the lack of excitement in the pic kthx.
for some reason,
i miss em a lot more than i usually do today.
i kept looking for old pics of me and them together,
but turned out i didn't have much.
ni pun sebenarnya dari phone Papa, i transferred all the pics in Papa's phone into my laptop while my family came here late last year.
hope your days went fine.
/nadia yang sebenarnya nak sambung kerja sekolah tapi tak terbuat pun sejak 1 jam setengah lalu.
Why your face like that?
Could not hug real Shrek? hehe
haha entah, aku pun taktau.
lama gak aku pikir apsal muka aku camtu~
Oh NO!
sori lama tak update blog, camera wat hal plak!!
eh? ko tak botak lagi dah ke?
tau kamera ko takde~ takpelah.
gne ar kamera filem plak, yang disposable tu! ko kan terer gne kamera tu dulu. sebab aku ingat ko yang reti tukar filem de pe sume.
best tak idea?
ah missing syndrome. i had that a lot. to everyone, incl my cat *sigh*
aih, mengutuk nampak.
takpe, lagipun tengah cari DSLR, dan, dah jumpe pun! SONY Aplha 200 Series, 1700 RInggit jer! kira murah la kan!?
wani : haha...oh well. lumrah manusia kan XD
tango : mane de kutuk, betul laa tu~ RM1700 tu...murah kot! (aku taktau sbnrnya pasal harga nih) masuk lens skali ke? Sony pun Sony laa, janji DSLR XDDD
yang 1700 tu dapat body, 4G memory card, and a cheap "Cap Ayam" tripod.
overall, a bargain!
hooo...takde additional lens eh? alaaa. kalo yang ada lens untuk zoom-zoom (LOLZ HAHAHA) ke untuk macro ke, bape harga de?
Lens untuk zoom-zoom..................................................................
*pergi ke hujung corner library tahan gelak*
klau beli body dan additional lens dapat 2K, tapi tak tau lens ape, standard kot, yang lens Macro tengok ari tu lebih kureng 1K+
gelak plak, betul laa tu. salah ke? ces. *diri sendiri pun tahan gelak*
hnn...kira murah laa tu, kalo nak banding kat sini. sini kalo standard body + lens boleh sampai USD2k kalo tak silap. by the time aku balik nanti ko kena beli Alpha tu, kasi aku men okeh XD
Haha, ko balk lagi 3 minggu lagi kot, tak sempat kot nak bli
gle ke 3 minggu? 5 laa...kot. insyaAllah~ aku tak kireee nak gakkk~
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