Monday, May 19, 2008

oh, before the massive update takes place --

-- nak mintak pendapat anda semua berkenaan update yang akan datang :

1. biarkan number of posts per page camni (currently 7 posts per page), yang mana akan melambatkan loading time due to the massive number of pics (currently considering putting 85 pictures and possibly 2 videos)

2. limit 1 post per page, meaning 1 event description at one time, dan untuk entries yang lain, sila gunakan link 'archive' di sebelah kanan page ni (under my picture there, see? yeah.) -- loading time korang akan berkurangan.

sila beri pendapat dengan menekan link "x comments" (x = number of comments currently available). this will determine your computer's loading speed and your patience while viewing. terima kasih.

kalau tak ramai orang komen, then most probably i'll pick the 2nd choice, and stay that way for a certain period of time. alright.


Nucleus Crux said...

oit makcik, biar je la 7 pages per post.. sbb internet kat village nie pon dah kene upgrade (2.0 Gigabit) so.. aku rase xde problem loading kot..

p.s: sesungguhnya aku dapat me'loading' setiap blog dgn senang dan tanpa sebarang kesukaran.. wahahahahaha.. terutamanya blog yoshiki..

Nadia Nor said...

ye laa, utk org2 kat village ni kira selamat laa. masalahnya utk org2 kat msia. ko igt streamyx tu mencapai tahap internet village ke?


ps : ko bukak blog yoshiki yang katne ah?

wani ezryl * said...

xkisah, 7posts skali 1page pun ok HAHAHA