Saturday, February 28, 2009

life isn't what you expect it to be.

i present to you Mr Narcissistic Fancy Guitar-Twirl,
rhythm guitarist Aoi of the GazettE.
i like him cuz he's cool STFU

the day wasn't as sucky as i thought it'd be.
sometimes it's just a matter of sucking it up and going through those better-avoided-times without really thinking of the consequences.
you'll figure out a way to get pass all the shit on impulse, really.

like today, it wasn't all that bad for me.
i got to see the skater dude today WAHAHA;
people are generally nice, i discovered today;
my classmates told me Hawaii is nice as long as you don't really stay in Waikiki -- instead go to the war museums there, they're cool;
i played ping-pong after a CENTURY of not playing it.

so...i guess i'm kind of feeling better now.
i dunno how tomorrow's gonna be but heck, no one does.

gonna go sleep now, wanna watch the GazettE's Decomposition Beauty Tour Final - Meaningless Art That People Showed DVD tomorrow =3

/nadia yang mahu tidur sekarang.


Anna Bakhtiar said...

ko hepi aku pun hepi!

Nadia Nor said...

makaseh =3