Wednesday, January 21, 2009

the inauguration screencap spam.

repeats of the inauguration ceremony will be on later on tv and many other places, so sesiapa yang nak tengok, sila check tv programs everywhere =3

now i'm spamming with screencaps,
anggaplah ni macam preview kepada ceremony tersebut.

MSNBC and CNN/Facebook next to each other.
CNN lag dalam 30 saat kot, compared to MSNBC.
CNN kadang-kadang visual freeze tapi boleh dengar audio.

Mr President on CNN/Facebook, MSNBC, and the stream i used til the end, BBC.
BBC kurang freeze, dan very smooth berbanding the other two.
my experience lah.

CNN/Facebook stream.
agak interesting dan amusing bila baca status orang ramai kat situ.
orang Facebook kata ada millions of status updates coming in during the inauguration, gilalahhh.

BBC stream.
taklah perfectly 100% smooth streaming, tapi far far better than the two.

MSNBC stream.
memula ingat nak pakai ni sebab ada Facebooker kata ni lagi ok berbanding CNN, tapi in my case ada jugak hang sket. so tukar ke BBC (pun kata Facebooker gak).

ending of the ceremony.
tengoklah bape banyak windows bukak 8D

dua presiden side-by-side.

Mr Cheney in wheelchair.
diorang kata de ada back injury or something.

the current President and First Lady, with Ex-President and Ex-First Lady.

Ex-President and Ex-First Lady off in the helicopter.
hello new presidency =D

some things i discovered today :

- tepat high noon (12 pm DC time, di mana inauguration tu take place), walaupun the president-elect belum lagi angkat sumpah, beliau sebenarnya dah officially jadi the President.

- Obama adalah left-handed hahaaa glelah aku baru tauuu.

- Starbucks telah sponsor streaming of the inauguration kat CNN/Facebook WAT. (some people ada kata : "Starbucks owns Obama" lolz XD)

- Facebook bertapak di California OwO

- nama penuh the new President is Barack Hussein Obama -- ni pun baru tau. ya saya hidup bawah batu.

- tapi masa announce nama Obama, announcer tu sebut "Barack H. Obama" je, walhal nama orang lain -- Bush dan Clinton di antaranya -- sebut penuh, with the middle name. mungkin announcer lupa nama tengah Obama? haha.

okehhh. perlu mandi dan sambung kerja skolah, boo.

congrats to the new President =D
HOPE for a better change.
"we should be remembered by what we build, not by what we destroy."

/nadia yang harap this new feeling of hope boleh direalisasikan, slowly but surely.


uShop said...

wahaha. org us pon nk tgk streaming jugak ke?
kat tb xde live??

gile ar power. bukak byk2 pon ok je. pas ni ar nk carik kat youtube je. pastu teringat, angkat sumpah paklah aritu pon x tgk.huhu harap2 ade la kat youtube xDD

Nadia Nor said...

nak tengok kat TV, member ada tengah tido kat sofa haha XD taknak kacau.
lagipun kalo kat TV takleh screencap 8D

tu ar, terkejut gak bukak banyak-banyak tu pun bleh jalan (tapi MSNBC ngan CNN/Facebook agak sekat-sekat ar sikit). dan kat YouTube pasti ada!! carik~ XD

Unknown said...

giler lah

Barack Hussein Obama, ish2

aku nak tgk, tp pkul pagi kat sini,

aku tido jer r....


Nadia Nor said...

betullah Barack Hussein Obama =D

takde repeat ke? takkan takde kot~