Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Saddening, this world.

I take it that everyone knows of the terrorist attack in India.
Another terrorism act, and another misunderstanding of Muslims around the world.

Jihad doesn't mean you go and kill people as you like.
Jihad means you defend your religion when it's threatened, not provoking more threats.

I feel helpless.
I dunno what to feel --
Anger cuz they brought more bad images to Islam,
Sad cuz many died and injured,
Sad too cuz the terrorists didn't get to meet people who can lead them to the proper path,
Scared cuz more tension between nations will happen.

I can only hope nothing drastically worse than 9/11 will happen,
and hope that people who suffered directly or indirectly from this attack will find peace from their grief and sorrows, maybe slowly but surely.

I wonder how many other attacks like this are around the world.
The world is getting scarier and scarier by the day.

Like I thought of last week,
A world is messed-up cuz messed-up people live in it.

Let's try to build a better future, little by little.

-- also posted on LJ.


hello December.
let me go through my first two weeks of you safely and without any fails.
thank you.


family saya selamat tiba di KLIA lebih kurang pukul 1.10 pm Monday (KL time).
syukur semua selamat.

okeh tu je for today, baibai ♥

/nadia yang ada banyak kerja nak kena kejar~!!


Anonymous said...

cian adeQ ko x dpt folo

Nadia Nor said...

yep, syukur.
yeah well, kalo dah takde rezeki kan. haha. maybe next time~

wani ezryl * said...

they might misintepret the true meaning of jihad. semoga kita semua dijauhkan daripada bala bencana camni :|

Nadia Nor said...

yeah, they might. tu yang takut tu. restless lah bila pikir pasal ni >_<

semoga dijauhkan, ameen~