Sunday, October 5, 2008

raya kami bermula pada hari Sabtu.

kami menaiki Dodge untuk sepanjang weekend of raya ni.

ni baru sejam balik dari beraya.
it was a fun day filled with a lot of (of course) food and pictures.
like always lah, will upload later.

in short, ari ni pegi :
- Lakewood Community Center untuk event MIFNA,
- LA untuk rumah Dr Mufti, lecturer kat USC (he's a very interesting lecturer, panjang betul dia bercerita -- he was a fine art student, and now he's doing a research on HIV. yes, VERY different fields, will tell later), and
- rumah Aizat and Athira kat Long Beach.

ari ni mendung all day, with a drizzle in the afternoon.
sejuk je all day. kind of nice.
meaning fall is here at last.

okeh nak tido.
tomorrow ada plan lagi.

/nadia yang mengantuk tapi nak jugak taip ni.


uShop said...

dh raye xD

wani ezryl * said...

hoorah dpt gak masuk internet!! *menangis terharu* :B wahwahh naik kereta merah itu.. sgt interesting! :D sila letakkan gmbr2 nnti.. hahaha